Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I got a nice Thanksgiving gift...snow! I got to go and play in it too! This was my first real experience in the snow and I enjoyed it, I especially liked going down the hill on the sled, however walking in the thick snow with my huge clothes was a bit of a challenge. Each time I would get to the bottom of the hill I would say "gehn" or you might say "again!" Too bad the snow isn't going to stick around for long this time, maybe again this winter?? I hope you all had a very blessed Thanksgiving too! We sure are thankful here in the Williams' household!

Wow, this is pretty neat!
Sledding for the first time...too bad my hat is hiding my huge smile
Fun, fun! Wish you could hear the giggles
Mom took me too!
Hanging out with Papa while sissy had a turn, didn't want to stand in the snow
Then she took me for a ride!
Watching the snow fall
Squash....yummy dinner!
See ya soon snow!