Wednesday, June 23, 2010


SUNSHINE! Off with the clothes! I couldn't be happier, although I really wish I could just be naked -all the time! And no hats mom!! I take them off and put them in the water immediately. Usually I'm good with the baseball hat but not when there is water around! Oh well, I got to "swim" in the pool with my sissy and run around in the sprinkler again. We even road our bikes to the ice cream parlor, or should I say Mama and Dada rode their bikes and Lily and I trailed in the bike trailer. Lily is so nice when it comes to sharing and always offers me a bite. I wonder when I can have my own?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Another Road Trip

I'm getting good at riding in the car and sleeping in strange places. This weekend we went to my Auntie Joanie's house in Portland. I was such a great kid! We stopped in Vancouver to see my mama's Auntie and her cute little dog, which was nice too. Last weekend we had a little sunshine so we celebrated!! Here are some pics of both events...

How many toys can one little boy hold? Trying to climb into the water table.....climbing, what boys do best!!
Enjoying some watermelon
Chillin' with dada in the backyard
Standing in the sprinkler enjoying some refreshing water
Running with the ladies
Ahh.....feels better
First taste of Nutella....scrumptious!
Enjoying fresh strawberries, my favorite!
I was perplexed as to why Oscar did not want my water. I kept trying to give it to him and he just walked away? Do you know?
Swinging with my mama's Auntie Colleen. We took a little walk to the park when we arrived in Vancouver; it was a long drive!
The of my favorite animals there!
I spent a lot of time in the stroller at the zoo, so I got a little bored after a few animals. My piggy toes were keeping me entertained!
Launch it to me sis! (I'm catching the rockets from the stomp rocket launcher at Auntie Joanie's house)

Friday, June 11, 2010


Mom's friend that use to teach with her came up from Seattle with her family and I got to hang out with a fun little boy named Anthony. He is a few months older than me, but we had fun together. We went to the park, ran around, and admired the dogs together. He even had a dog on his overalls! We had a great visit and now hopefully we can go down to Seattle and do something else fun!
Another visit I had this week was a trip to mama's school. I hadn't been there in a long time and this time it was great to get down and play with the kids. I sure wish I could go more often. I hear my sis use to go all the fair!

Looking at the dog together
So tired from our trip to the canal and all the excitement of friends that I had to take a quick snooze in the stroller. Of course someone had to take a picture since this is a rare to never occurrence.
Sissy being sweet! Ahh....
I'm a climbing machine!!
Enjoying some delicious watermelon with Lily
My buddy Yumin....we love her!
Go long, I'll hit you in the endzone!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Trip to the Hood Canal

My dad had a business trip, which was a short retreat in which families were invited. We packed our things and headed to the beautiful Hood Canal. It was quite a drive but worth it! I was a trooper in the car and got the hang of sleeping in a strange place by the second night. I met lots of my dada's great coworkers and had a blast on the beach and exploring an exciting new place.

We'll get through this drive together
The first day it poured! An inch and a half before noon! We braved it and went puddle jumping (after being locked out by my sis). We had to warm up with some coloring by the fireplace

Yeah! The sun decided to come out and grace us with his presence!
Here Fishy, Fishy
Getting the hang of this throwing business
This is my friend Ms. Barb, she allowed me to feed myself some yummy local icecream!
I spy with my little eye....... a swingset!
My first solo ascent. It made my mom a bit nervous, but I made it. I love to climb, but am not a huge fan of the slide - yet.
Ahhh....tired! We stayed up late and naps were optional - at least us kids thought so!
One of my favorite things was finding the baby crab on the beach. They were everywhere! I would point to them and "talk" to them. I even tried to eat one but mom said "No!"
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?

I pee'd Getting the hang of this spoon thing. Sometimes I use my other hand, mom says I'm ambiduh, ambideh.... anyway - I use both hands.
Digging this ferry thing
Hey, how'd you get over there?