Friday, July 31, 2009

One More Thing...

My dada fixed the comment option on my blog so I'd love to hear from you!!

4 Month Update

I had my appointment this morning and just wanted to share my recent stats...I'm 16.2 pounds and 26 inches long. I'm growing strong and doc says I look great! I may even start some foods soon...we'll see! Unfortunately, I did have to get some shots though. Ouch!!

My new trick...grabbing my toes! Mom got out the excersaucer for me. I really like the sounds.
This is a really cool new tummy time mat my sister's friend Carson let me borrow! Thanks man!
Hanging out in my new toy. Yes, Lily loves this too!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


My parents and Lily LOVE Summer, yet I am not so sure yet. I went out on the boat with my grandparents, mom, and sister and had to wear this huge orange thing! I was sure a trooper and even took a few little catnaps with the uncomfortable vest on. I am growing like crazy and spend a lot of time in the front pack (hence the unfairly distributed photos between my sister and I). My moma has to wear me so she can keep up with my quick sister...she says I better stop growing soon, her back hurts! Life is great!

My sister loves to comfort me
Lets race Brother

The boat trip....yes, all you can see is my head!

No wonder I had a neck cramp!
Playing with Grandma and Papa
I take my own Binkie out (I don't care for it too much)
Talking with Papa on the sunny deck
Look how big I am!!
I am big enough now to try out the back seat of the stroller! Better view I have to say!

Monday, July 13, 2009

4 Months

I unofficially weigh between 16 and 17 pounds! My next appointment isn't until the end of the month, so I won't have official stats until then. I am healthy at the moment and am really hoping that I don't get my sister's latest illness. We have been spending a lot of time around the house but I don't mind... I like to have my naps in my comfy bed.

Enjoying the shade on a summer afternoon. That pool sure looks inviting!

How about some shades mom?

Did you say shots? Yeah, I can wait a few more weeks!

Still enjoying my swing...I wonder how big I can get and still use this thing?

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Sister's Birthday Weekend

What a fantastic weekend we had! The weather was amazing and I got to see a lot of my family members. My Grandma and Grandpa came over from Spokane and my Auntie Joanie came up from Portland, all for my sister's birthday! She is 2 now! She sure enjoys my company and even doesn't want me to sleep during the day (She says "No brother sleep!"). I enjoyed all the company and attention while I was getting over my very first cold. I am feeling better now and trying to get on a consistent schedule.

Kisses! Happy Birthday Sister!

Growing big and strong

My sister loves to teach me things...notice the arms =)

My Auntie Joanie with her favorite niece and nephew

I met my mom's Auntie Colleen for the first time. She sure loved me and I spent a lot of time with her at the party...I sure liked her!

My new friend...Baby Ben. He is a month old now and I can't wait to play baseball with him!

Talking with my Auntie