Friday, February 22, 2013

Big Brother

I have really warmed up to the idea of  being a big brother.  I have been so good to Nick lately and really watching out for him.  One thing I do is make sure if he has something of mine I always trade him for another toy, which is fine with him as of now.  I also make sure he doesn't have anything that is a choking hazard.  
This week I also had my last gymnastics class.  I had fun and learned how to follow more than more direction, which is more challenging to a 3 year old than you think!  Thank you Grandma Bonnie and Papa Jim for a great Christmas Present!  My parents registered me for Preschool next year and I get to go on Monday to meet my teachers and have a little time for activities with them.  I'm very ready for school, especially after Lily got to go this year.  I can't wait to play with the other kids!!

These are a few Lent things we do every year.  We always add a few more but love our Catholic Faith and the chances it gives us to grow closer to Jesus through the liturgical year.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

I had a great day!  It started when we all went out to the living room together and saw a small Valentine's Day Treat, along with a balloon!  I made yummy sugar cookies and frosted them with sprinkles to share with my friends at Mom's Group.  We went to the group and I got to play with my friends.  I sure like it there!  We picked up Lily from school and she showed us her Valentines and even shared some of her candy with me!  We played the rest of the night and read a great book about the saint, Saint Valentine.  Hope you had a good one!
Lily and I making Valentines.  She was busy making ones for her classmates and I made some for my friends at Mom's Group.

Lily ready for school.  She had free dress for the celebration and she was ready for her party!

Decorating my cookies

I brought in a bowl and some rice krispies to Nick's room and shared with him, he was soo excited!

Lily was excited to show us her cards and treats