Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday

My pictures on this post are a little mixed up but we were busy today celebrating and preparing for Ash Wednesday tomorrow, the beginning of Lent. We returned from our trip to Spokane yesterday so we had just one day to get all our preparations in order. I had a lot of fun helping with the crown of thorns and making my own. I even painted it tonight. After a yummy dinner we went out for an ice cream date and I enjoyed a cone and my very own bowl of sprinkles, what a treat!

Sprinkles are my favorite!
Ice cream is pretty good too ;)
Pure concentration
Fun day! Thanks!
Painting a Mardi Gras mask. I had to add glitter, lots and lots of glitter!!
Sissy and I enjoying our ice cream. I think she was done with hers before I made a dent in the top of my mine.
Rolling our salt dough for the crown of thorns
The crown of thorns is a tradition we have during Lent that lets us keep track of sacrifices and good deeds throughout the season.
Putting the thorns in was my favorite part!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Fun Weekend!

Over the weekend we took a trip to the Children's Museum in Everett. We have been wanting to go for a while but took advantage of a sunny Saturday and went down with Cousin Maggie and Aunt Julie. The best part was that we took Maggie's Grammie's van so we could all ride together. We had a very fun field trip and Lily enjoyed sitting in the way back with our cousin. The museum was amazing and we are definitely planning a trip back there sometime. We celebrated Valentine's day yesterday with some new surprises, balloons, and yummy food all day! We are off to Spokane on Friday to see the family. It has been a very long time since our last trip over and we are excited to see everyone.

Sam got a train bank to paint in his Valentine present from Grandma and Papa. He even let me help him paint it!
Loving my sister. We were snuggling and watching videos of ourselves on the phone, my sissy's favorite thing to do.
My new big brother shirt from Grandma and Papa! They sent some neat things!
One of my favorite places in the museum (of course!)
The water room was a favorite place as well! I think we should build one of these at home!
I had a little cold this week (of course since my mama wrote we have been healthy!) But luckily it was so mild I didn't even have to have that many breathing treatments!
I guess these pictures got a little mixed up but here I am back at the museum in a neat construction room.
My animal circus train. Very proud of this artwork!
Outside with the dinosaur skeletons!
Sissy and I answering our 9-1-1 call in the fire station.
Tough Fireman Sam!
Being silly at home. I slid this chair over near the bookshelf so I could have easy access.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hello everyone! Sorry it has been a while here on the blog. Mama was working on her photo albums lately and not helping us with our blogs ;) The weather has been beautiful around here but I still prefer to play inside. I do not like being cold! Grandma is great about getting us outside for fresh air in the afternoons though. She loves to take us for walks to the park and outside to ride our bikes. I am growing into a little boy! I love playing with my sister, who is my best friend! I like to do most things she does and also enjoy teasing her like a little brother must. I keep saying that I'm a big brother now, and can't wait for our little baby. I love to talk to him in mommy's tummy and give "him" kisses.

Playing on the slide
This is how I eat my noodles for lunch, wow!
Being silly! Do you think I like the camera?
My nightly routine.... I go to the end of my bed where I can reach the books on the shelf and help myself. I can also use the light down there to see to "read" my books. When I feel tired I go to the other end of my bunk and fall asleep.
More reading.
The next pictures are of our playdate and Valentine making. We had fun with our friends and really look forward to our days together.
Peter and I discussing our plans for these hearts.