Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Dada!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Almost 1 Year Old!!

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.... the clock is ticking ever closer to my birthday and I'm working on a lot of cool things for the big day, well - Mom is doing most of it. One new skill that my parents are thrilled about is my ability to chew and swallow food without choking, gagging and scaring the you know what out of them. I won't have walking down by the big day, but I'll take on anyone in a crawling contest. I took my first wagon ride last week and it was awesome. I thought being pushed around in a stroller was cool, but being pulled is way more fun.

Why are you so happy Lil? Do you know something I don't?
OOOO, this is fun.
Hey baby, want a ride?
Pardon me, but would you have any Grey Poupon?
Papa is a good driver
See Mom - I'm ready for gymnastics
Ok, maybe that other play area isn't so bad
What, open the package first????
Thanks Grandma Bonnie!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I am 11 months now and growing up! Today I got to have milk for the very first time (officially -I liked to sneak Lily's milk cup when momma wasn't looking). Mom put it in one of Lily's cups and I had a blast. I think the best part was thinking that I got away with stealing my sister's milk ;). All in all, I am a fan!

Hummmm??? Milk or marker?
Love it!
Wow, this sip came out a bit fast!
I love to bite everything!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February Update

Whew....I'm sure tired of being sick! I had a hard week again last week and had to go back to see Dr. Hopper. I got more medicine and am sure happy to be able to breathe know. I don't want to see Mr. Fishy (the nebulizer) for a long time!! This is the second day with no medicine and I'm happy. My parents can't believe I will be 1 in just one short month!!

Reading in the tub!
Seriously mom? Why can't I just take a bath in peace?
Playing with sis
Kisses from cousin Maggie
Watch out!
Look at this cool bike!!
Funny faces! Remember my sister making all kinds of funny faces when she was little? Just have to keep up ;)