Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Week of Friends and Fun

With spring-like weather still hanging around we took at trip down to Mount Vernon to go to a fun place called Jungle Playland. My mom's friend from high school was up visiting family for the month so we met up with her and her three children. Both sissy and I absolutely loved this place and have been asking to go back every day favorite thing to say in the morning, "I want to go to Jungle Playland with the monkey!" The sun decided to come out this weekend which was perfect time for our friends to have a barbeque at their new house in Lynden. We all had a blast!

This is the crazy monkey I am referring to
My favorite thing there was the ball pit. They had one for the big kids and one for the little kids. I preferred the big kid one of course.
Having fun jumping in the pit from the stairs
I even went down the super speed slide next to my sister (she came and found me in the maze to take me to the slide)
It cleared up just enough to put on our swim suits for the outside sprinklers they just put in
Playing doctor with Maggie, I'm fixing her up!
At the Jones' BBQ....playing in the dirt. Who decided to dress me in a white t-shirt?
Yummy ice cream dessert....Summer is great!
Lovely new house Lucy
Have a good week everyone!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Out on the Boat

We went out on my papa's boat a few times this week, which I enjoyed. First I just kept asking to go faster. Later we went crabbing. I liked the boat ride and was a good boy, I just don't care for crab. Good thing, because I let Papa Jim take mine home to Grandma Bonnie. I think she will like that!

Sissy looks after me and loves to play doctor when I get owies. And when does a little boy ever not have owies?
Dora band-aides! Do you think they make boy ones?
Faster Please!
Last time I wore this life jacket I was 3 months old!
Driving with daddy. I like being the captain!
Being silly with sissy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Week With the Fam...(more Pics)

Here are some more pictures of our week together....

We love our Sundays at Papa and Grandma's house, especially when Papa is home
Finally some nice weather
Playing out at Birch Bay with cousin Maggie...Grandma Bonnie barbequed for us too!
We celebrated Lily's birthday on Saturday since my Auntie Joanie had to leave on Sunday. We had a fun barbeque in the backyard. Maggie had fun in the water and had to take a break for a drink, silly girl!
Must have seen my secret...
Had to borrow dada's hat for this game...too sunny (is there such a thing?)
"Eating" our dinner
Taking a break with Auntie Julie and Maggie
Out at Grandma andPapa's again....Brewster always helps me out when I'm eating....I'm a little messy they say

An Exciting Week!

We had company last week (Grandma Bonnie, Papa Jim, Aunt Becky, and Uncle Doug) so we were kept busy with a lot of fun family get togethers. They stayed up in Birch Bay so we went to the beach, had barbeques, went on fun outings, and most of all enjoyed the wonderful family that God blessed us with. Here are some pictures of the week...

Even though it was my sissy's birthday I got new Thomas underwear, which I was so proud of! I''m almost completely potty trained, Yay Sam!
Throughout this summer's swimming lessons the club has had the little pool closed so I haven't been able to swim, but for the 4th of July they had it open so Elijah and I took advantage of this opportunity and the sunny day and took a dip!
Later in the day (on the 4th) we went with our friends down to Clear Lake and enjoyed a little sunshine and swimming. There was hardly anyone there! Before we left I got tired of waiting for everyone to get ready so I took a reading break in my floaty.
In the Lake...this photo is a combination of the bright sunshine and me not enjoying actually being in this pirate ship.
Getting water for our sand castle that Mrs. G helped build!
Lily wanted to go for pizza on her real birthday so after we went out for birthday dinner we went down to the celebration at the park. They had the big Jump Zone toys there and I went down the big slide. This is only funny because earlier in the week I went to the Jump Zone and had to be rescued from a small slide by one of the workers because I wouldn't go down.
Lily and I laughing at each other and having fun while we wait in line
Wow, this dolphin is fast
Waiting for it to get dark
We bought just a few fireworks and we had fun watching them from the back of our car
The moon was really neat on the 4th
I didn't want a smore, only the marshmellow
Reading with my sissy in her room... a little quiet break
I like summer and swimming in the backyard. I'm going through a homebody stage and just like to stay home
Enjoying Lily's new little toys. Isn't she nice sharing her little Polly Pockets with me? (Yes, I am sitting on the table trying to get a closer look into the little dollhouse)