Sunday, June 26, 2011


Our first week of "summer" game and went. We had a few nice days and I like to play in the water every chance I get. Grandma, Papa, Becky, and Doug are here this week for vacation and to celebrate a few birthdays with us. Yesterday we had Uncle Kevin's birthday and next weekend my sissy will be 4! My Papa Bob is home now too and he just had a birthday! I love birthdays. Yesterday I was singing, "We're having a party" all afternoon! Mama calls me the little comedian and I just love to make people laugh. Well, here are a few pictures of a fun summer week...

Playing in the water
We had a fun playdate with friends this week. Here I am with "Baby Therese."
Peter and I enjoying a little break and having a snack...fruit snacks, my favorite!
There was one day this week that actually felt hot in the afternoon so we went to the sprinkler park. I just love it there. You will find me amongst all the big kids playing in the water. I think mama forgot my suit??
I'm so excited about my little strawberry patch and love to tell people about them. Dancing at the summer concert in the park
Jumping and hoping in the bounce times!
Papa cooking up some yummy birthday dinner for Uncle Kevin
Decided to tie dye my shirt with watermelon

Monday, June 20, 2011

Outdoor Fun

I woke up from my nap on Friday and found this in my!! It was still pretty cool outside and the water was even colder. I don't have a high tolerance for cold so it wasn't long until I was shaking and my lips were purple. That is ok, I still wanted to play and run around freezing.

Sliding down the unstable slide...brave boy!

Trying out my new bike. I think this will get some taking use to. How are you doing with yours cousin Maggie?

Moving along

Thursday, June 16, 2011


What is new in the life of a 2 year old? Well, we are just thankful for some time outside this week. I have also been using the potty!! I don't want to wear diapers (or underwear) just want to be nakie! I can make it to the little potty myself when we are home, but going out is a different story, that is ok though! I'm learning! I tell my sister all the time that I'm a big boy and I get really excited about going in the potty. Wish us luck!

Fishing for sharks in the pool. The boots are a necessity still, not quite warm enough for "babing suits"

Love my sissy!
And she loves me, a little too tight sometimes

Welcoming the sunshine early in the morning

Papa, I'll be doing this for you in no time!

My parents were trying to find a bike small enough for me, this is the last solution. I can touch but still not super excited about being on wheels yet.

Love my dump truck in the sand and I found a perfect "road"

Playing trains with my friend Ben. I'm learning how to share!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Weekend Sun

These pictures are from last Saturday when the weather was beautiful! It is Saturday today and I'm hoping for another sunny weekend. We got our water toys out in the back yard for the first time this year. After a little getting use to the cold water and getting wet, I soon learned that it was fun! In fact, yesterday I was in the pool with my shoes on asking for the slide to be put in it. I'm definitely ready for some more sunny days!

Fun in the sprinkler

Enjoying a yummy strawberry
Dada says that only women should be proud to be able to wear their swim suit two years in a row ;)

Hanging out with sissy in our matching jammies
An apple a day keeps the doctor away right?