Sunday, March 27, 2011


We had a fun family Sunday this weekend. After church we went and had a picnic and played for a bit on the beach down at Larrabee. We hiked around and enjoyed the spring day.

This picture is a perfect snapshot of my recent 2 year old fun! Hanging with dada


Enjoying our picnic food
Out at grandma's sissy and I were making mud pies
Just had to try that mud pie! I don't think it is as good as Grandma's though!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I think I've told you about my birthday trains. I'm still playing with them and they are my favorite inside toys. We have been playing more outside and my favorite thing to do outside is find water and play in it. We have a large puddle in front of our house that pretty much always has water in it (at least the last several months) and I run for it at any chance I get. I LOVE to walk down to the beach and throw rocks and whenever anyone asks what I want to do I say, "Beach!" I am getting pretty adventurous and sometimes like to explore things on my own (which makes my parents nervous when I run the other way because I'm getting very fast).

Tunnels are exciting places!
Playing my drum that sissy got me, I'm pretty good! Band in my future?
I still love my naps (and wear a sleep sack still). Believe it or not I still manage to get my legs stuck in the side of my crib with the sack on!
Being silly with sissy's boots. I love to wear her shoes! (I don't have pants because we returned from the beach where I was playing in the water and they were soaked!)
Mom thought it was pretty quiet so she went searching for me in the house and found me here...
I love books!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm 2!

It is official, I'm 2 now, although I love to say that I'm 4! We had a fun weekend with the family and spent time celebrating all our blessings! Here are some pictures of my birthday weekend...

Me with my silly cousin Maggie
Reading stories with my grandma...special times!
Maggie loves to do hair and I even let her try out brushing my short hair
My train cake. I loved it and couldn't say "Wow!" enough!
Happy birthday boy
Turning 2 is a big deal!
Spending some time with my dada building neat things with the legos. This is a bear and I made sure he had a nose.
We went down to the children's museum for my birthday and enjoyed some great fun
I even got to paint although I think more of it ended up on me than the paper
I do love to paint my hands
Tired boy after all that fun and only a short nap in the car
Snuggles with papa. I think you guys should move closer!
The singing....I loved this part the most!
Blowing out the candles
Big bite!
Sissy wanted to help me unwrap my presents
Wow!! Exciting, my first dinosaur!
I got quite a few trains for my birthday this year which I haven't stopped playing with since Saturday (except when I'm sleeping)
Oh, and don't forget my new bike! I jumped right on it when dada brought it out! I'm very excited about it although I think I have to grow a few inches to really scoot it around.
Now we have 7 or 8 bikes in our garage??
I even got trains for the bath so we all had to get in and try them out. What a fun birthday weekend, thank you to all my family who came to celebrate with me! I'm a lucky boy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Almost 2!

Sorry it has been a while here. I have had a little cold and it doesn't seem to want to go away. I guess it is that time of year. Last weekend we celebrated my dada's birthday. I sure had fun making his projects and eating his cake. We made him a peanut butter cake with chocolate frosting this year. I think I liked it the best! This weekend my Auntie came up from Portland to celebrate an early birthday for me. We played a lot and had a nice short visit. Other than that, we are getting ready for Lent and mom worked a lot last week so I have been playing out at Grandma's house and just being 2 (almost anyway)!

Love, love, love painting!
Mama painted my hands a few times, then I got the hang of it and had to do it myself
Helping sissy put the toothpicks or thorns in the crown (A fun way to get ready for Easter during the season of Lent. When we do good works or sacrifices we get to remove one of the thorns and by Easter the thorns will be removed will be replaced with flowers.)
Playing games with Auntie. I sure loved her this time, even calling for her when I woke up from my nap!
This is my favorite game yet!
Everyone is singing me Happy Birthday (one week early). Grandma made me a birthday cake and I loved the song!
While I was eating the cake I paused, then said very clearly...."MMMmmm.....tasty!" Everyone got a good laugh from that!
On Sunday we went down to Boulevard Park to explore the new bridge and enjoy the nice spring like weather.
Having fun running around and climbing on everything, just like my sissy!
I'm a little too busy for pictures these days, but we explored the beach too!
"Coloring" just like my sister only I love to color on other things especially my face and sometimes other places in the house. Uh oh!