Friday, July 9, 2010

July Sunshine!

Finally! I love this sunshine and of course being outside. It is nice for my sissy and mama now since I am getting more flexible with my nap schedule. We are able to do more things outside out and about. We have been spending time with our friends and keeping cool in the water. I am a big fan of no clothes, or just my diaper if I must.

I still love the flowers!
Fresh peas. Yummy!
You are all welcome to come over and enjoy some peas...we have plenty!
Now strawberries are a different story...I'm not sharing ;)
Watching the bigger kids on the slip and slide
Dancing with my sissy at the concert in the park
Getting tired...don't you guys know this is my bed time?
Ok, now I'm a little better...dinner!
Wow! This is one of the best days of my life...first ice cream cone (unintentionally - I stole Mama's)
I think I told you already that I love to climb?
Ta Da
King of the fort!