Sunday, May 30, 2010

MAYbe it will stop raining soon

Sorry, I know that title is a stretch, but I'm running out of May themed titles, luckily June is just around the corner. There isn't much news to report since my last post. We've had a terrible run of weather lately, Memorial Weekend feels more like President's - cold, rainy, windy and blah. We did get a brief break in the weather for Mom's group - I don't know why they call it that, us kids have way more fun when we all get together, it should be Toddler Time or something. We also went to my friend Ben's birthday party, which was also a lot of fun.

Ben, there is no way your stroller is faster than my stroller. I'll bet you this milk cup
You do such a good job around here Mom, we can eat off the floor.
Should I not have done that? Kiss?
Can you tell me where I could find the juice boxes? The 'B' is for Ben, not Boston - just so we're clear.
Ben knocked that cake outta the park!
I have no idea why this pic is here..... like my coat?????