Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Trip to the Hood Canal

My dad had a business trip, which was a short retreat in which families were invited. We packed our things and headed to the beautiful Hood Canal. It was quite a drive but worth it! I was a trooper in the car and got the hang of sleeping in a strange place by the second night. I met lots of my dada's great coworkers and had a blast on the beach and exploring an exciting new place.

We'll get through this drive together
The first day it poured! An inch and a half before noon! We braved it and went puddle jumping (after being locked out by my sis). We had to warm up with some coloring by the fireplace

Yeah! The sun decided to come out and grace us with his presence!
Here Fishy, Fishy
Getting the hang of this throwing business
This is my friend Ms. Barb, she allowed me to feed myself some yummy local icecream!
I spy with my little eye....... a swingset!
My first solo ascent. It made my mom a bit nervous, but I made it. I love to climb, but am not a huge fan of the slide - yet.
Ahhh....tired! We stayed up late and naps were optional - at least us kids thought so!
One of my favorite things was finding the baby crab on the beach. They were everywhere! I would point to them and "talk" to them. I even tried to eat one but mom said "No!"
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?

I pee'd Getting the hang of this spoon thing. Sometimes I use my other hand, mom says I'm ambiduh, ambideh.... anyway - I use both hands.
Digging this ferry thing
Hey, how'd you get over there?