Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hello everyone! Sorry it has been a while here on the blog. Mama was working on her photo albums lately and not helping us with our blogs ;) The weather has been beautiful around here but I still prefer to play inside. I do not like being cold! Grandma is great about getting us outside for fresh air in the afternoons though. She loves to take us for walks to the park and outside to ride our bikes. I am growing into a little boy! I love playing with my sister, who is my best friend! I like to do most things she does and also enjoy teasing her like a little brother must. I keep saying that I'm a big brother now, and can't wait for our little baby. I love to talk to him in mommy's tummy and give "him" kisses.

Playing on the slide
This is how I eat my noodles for lunch, wow!
Being silly! Do you think I like the camera?
My nightly routine.... I go to the end of my bed where I can reach the books on the shelf and help myself. I can also use the light down there to see to "read" my books. When I feel tired I go to the other end of my bunk and fall asleep.
More reading.
The next pictures are of our playdate and Valentine making. We had fun with our friends and really look forward to our days together.
Peter and I discussing our plans for these hearts.