Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eggs and More!

Easter Sunday is tomorrow and I hear it is a very fun, holy day! I have seen eggs, candy, yummy food and friends...looks good so far! Tomorrow we will go to Mass, have more yummy food for breakfast here and more yummy food for lunch at Grandma's house! Can you tell I love food?
Today we had an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard and I sure wish I could walk...Ok, RUN! I had to be outside with the big kids and all I got to do was look at the empty eggs. Guess, it is a symbol...just like the empty tomb we are celebrating tomorrow! Anyway, here are a few pictures of me and the excitement around here. I am into making silly faces as you will see. Remember when my sister went through that stage?

I tipped the vacuum over and decided it was perfect to ride!
Yeah! Dada says it is something like the Final 2 or 4? Oh well..I'm excited! How much is this worth?
Lily, can I PLEASE help you?
Plastic...come on guys!
Bummer! Who ate all the candy?