Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Sunday and More!

Happy Easter everyone! What a special and fun holiday! Did you know that Easter actually lasts 50 days? What a celebration! The only bad thing about the day was that I got sick....AGAIN! I am really tired of Mr. Fishy (my nebulizer) and all these viruses. On lighter news, I have taken a few steps and can stand on my own a little longer. My new favorite word is milk and I love to jibber jabber all day long. Dad says it is my own little language. I am sleeping like a big boy and mom is much happier with a full night of sleep.

Nice score Lily!
Don't mind if I do
Check out my basket
Yes - an Ichiro shirt, yes, yes yes.
Hold on - where are the tickets?
The Easter Pic
I swear I felt an earthquake, everybody panic!
And the standard cheeseball shot
Who needs a binkie? Not this guy
Got the tire pressure just right, let's roll
I said Let's Roll
I'm starting to enjoy story time