Monday, April 1, 2013


Happy Easter!  Here are a few pictures of my recent adventures...
Being silly in the woods by Grandma's and Papa's.  We went exploring!

Lily's treasures!

I was pretending to fight off the dinosaurs
Helping mama weed the front little garden
And then I went to help daddy mow!
I had fun playing indoor soccer last week.  I wanted to go lately since Lily has been playing.
Trying to stop the goal
Dying eggs
One of my finished beauties!
Playing hop scotch, oh so fun!
Visiting the Easter Bunny at Bellewood.  We actually didn't get to go hunt for eggs because there were too many people there, but we did get to say hello to the bunny.
And I had to be brave and show Lily that there was nothing to be afraid of

Since we couldn't hunt for eggs at the orchard we did our own little hunt at Grandma's house

I sure liked this little wheel barrow that Joanie brought for her games
Having green eggs and ham for April Fools.  We are having fun with all the jokes today.  So far we have poured cold water on mama in the shower, pretended to have the principal call Lily to tell her spring break was canceled, and many more silly little ones!
Pushing baby Nick on the swing
The boys!