Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our Road Trip -Leg 1 (Seaside)

Last Thursday we left for our epic road trip.  We started out on day one with a short trip to Vancouver, Washington and stayed at a hotel.  Sissy and I love this, especially since we don't go to hotels very often.  We swam in the pool, went to a summer concert across the street, and of course jumped on the beds!  We woke up on Friday and headed to Seaside, Oregon where we met Grandma Bonnie, Papa Jim, and this time, Becky and Doug.  We had such a great time there.  We stayed in the same house as last year and had nice beach weather.  Sissy just loves the ocean and could be found jumping waves every day.  I got knocked over by a big wave the first day so was very cautious the rest of the vacation, but just love the soft sand.  We stayed for 4 days and created some incredible memories with our family.  Then on Tuesday we were off to Brookings, Oregon to visit our good friends and God-family, the Gonnellas.  You can read about that part of the trip on sissy's blog tomorrow.
Lily and I "helped" pack.  She did however win and get to take Floppy Ears with us.  Thank goodness for the van.

Goodbye Bellingham
Nicholas was excited for his first road trip (He did an incredible job the whole trip!)
Jump Jump!!

We start swim lessons tomorrow.  Maybe she will finally lose the water wings?

Cautious in the water

We enjoyed a very fun concert in Vancouver right across from our hotel.  Yummy food and good music!
Finally at the beach!  So excited to see those waves and feel the sand between my toes.

Where is the wave sissy?

Lily was so proud of herself for going on the bumper cars.  This is completely not her "thing."

Seaside has the best candy shops.  These lollypops will have to be our tradition.
Yummy!  (I still have part of this monstrous thing!)
I feel asleep on the floor, completely unheard of for me.  So much fun and fresh air!

Auntie Becky with brother Nicholas.  He is "Cool like Auntie!"
Ice cream, lollypops, candy....don't tell the dentist I saw last week!

Love the carousel!
And no trip to Seaside is complete without a trip to the silly hat shop

Lovin' the beach (Sorry for the thousands of pictures!)

Sissy trying out the skim board

Nicholas hanging out with mama at the beach
I thought the kite was the coolest thing!

We loved playing with Uncle Doug and he had fun burying us in the warm sand