Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Well, the calendar says it is summer but the weather has been more like fall.  That's OK, Lily asked for nice weather for her birthday.  The sun may not be out, but love is in the air - lots of weddings on the calendar this summer.  The first was last Saturday when our friends Rob and Rianna took the plunge and we're off to another this Friday.  One other bit of news around here - we're going to have a lot more room on our road trips this summer..... In our new van!!!

 My buddy Nick showing off that smile
 Our personal bubble machine
 "CHEEEEESE" and crackers
 Dada and I at Mr. Rob's wedding
 Even Nick put on his dancing clothes for the wedding
 Lily finding other things to eat while she waits for "That cake over there".....
 Enjoying a cool treat at Grandma Katie's
 Hard to tell what's cooler - me or this Push-up
 I made this "habitat" for our little friend
Too cold and rainy to swim outside, so we put on our suits and hopped in the tub.  Mom made us "paint" with shaving cream and food coloring (thanks for the idea Auntie Becca).