Saturday, September 10, 2011

Farm Tour Saturday

It was a beautiful Saturday and we contemplated what to do for a long time and finally decided to go out to our favorite apple farm. Once we got out there we realized that today was the Whatcom County Farm Tours. We got tractor rides, free samples everywhere, and lots of great information about neat places around here. It turned out to be a great Saturday!

Can you tell I'm into the camera these days? It was great, our friends met us out at the first farm and we played together.
Waiting for apples and fresh cider
Heading out on the tractor. Luckily the sprinklers were on out in the apple orchards so we were able to cool off a little.
The second farm was our favorite. How can anyone compete with free strawberry sundaes?
Another tractor ride...this never gets old!
Making a wish
Free corn on the can this get any better?
I love summer!
Happy, happy boy!