Tuesday, June 5, 2012


My daddy calls this June-uary!  The weather has been more like April around here and we have been trying to keep busy inside.  I am now fully recovered from a strange virus that lasted a good 4 days, strange because we have been home bodies lately.  We were also lucky that I was the only one that got sick.  In other news, Nicholas is growing and I'm his biggest fan.  I wake up and ask for him and if he is ever napping in his bed I always go check on him and need to know where he is at all times.  We have been doing a little bit of school lately and I enjoy all the lessons and think I'm ready for Kindergarten with my sissy.  She goes for her assessment tomorrow and is very excited to have time with her new teacher.

When I was sick Lily made me several little decorations which said Get Well and placed them by my bed.  So sweet!
Lily made these crazy glasses, traced them, decorated them, and got the string to tie them.  All her idea, silly girl!
Playing dress up....Fairies are her FAVORITE!
Sissy and I both love it when Nicholas is awake.  We love to hold him and he had a great conversation with Lily yesterday.
Cooing at sissy
Baker Sam

Nicholas spent the day sleeping today, he must be growing!  He also is starting to enjoy his swing, in which we are very thankful!
Lily just learned how to play on the computer.  PBS kids is awesome!
I had fun with playdoh while she played on the computer
We are ready to play outside again.