Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas in Spokane

The day after Christmas we woke up, loaded the car, and headed to Spokane. Another Christmas? Wow, I am a lucky guy! We got to spend some quality time with the family, which was great. I hadn't been to Spokane since August, so it was nice to see everyone and this time my cousin Maggie was there with her mom and dad. We had fun together...she is my bud! We didn't get to see any snow, but I got to wear my new hat and winter coat...brrrr.

Hanging out with my Papa right after we arrived. We had a great trip over and I was a trooper!

This one looks really exciting!

Cousin Maggie and I playing with one of my new toys!

We spent a day downtown at Riverfront Park. Everytime we are in Spokane we look forward to spending time there. We love it! I didn't get to ride the carousel this time, but I had fun watching and trying out the Ergo on my momma's back.

My Great Grandpa hosted a beautiful dinner at his church for the whole family. It was so nice for everyone to get together! I enjoyed crawling across the huge gym floor and spending time with my Aunt Debbie.

Cousin Tayler....he is sooo cool!! Can you believe he is going to the Army soon?

Grandma had a package delivered to the door and I was there to help her unpack the goods.

My sis decided to share some of her snack with me! Isn't that nice?
This is how my momma found me! Thanks Lily!