Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Food and Fun!

I have tried a few new foods...avocados, squash, bananas, apple sauce, and my favorite Mum Mum crackers. I am napping well during the day and spending more time at home to get consistent, quality naps, yeah! I feel great and am even happier (as if that was possible!). My sis pushed me in the swing for the first time and I just had to share!

Mum Mum crackers....mmmmm!

See....we are having bananas!

Hey sis, these are great!


Push me sister...I'm ready!


Sarah said...

Elijah LOVES avacados too! I have to say this is my least favorite eating stage though, so messy, and so much laundry!

Evan Elisa Max Lucy Harvey said...

They are so precious together!