Friday, August 28, 2009

An Overdue Update

Hello everyone! So much has been happening around here and we are trying to take advantage of the nice weather before it is gone, so sorry it has been so long. I am no longer a newborn and turning into a "little" baby. I have even tried some big kid food! I have heard some rumors around the house that I may be getting something other than cereal soon! That makes me happy.

I love my play center, although at times I think Lily likes it even more than I do!
Workin' on those teeth! I have 2 big ones now!

Look at those teeth!
My friends Luke and Simeon came over. They love's so cute, says mom.

This is what mom sees when she comes in. Yes, I am supposed to be sleeping.
And for the food pictures....This was the very first time. I was more interested in the spoon and bib and getting those two things in my mouth, but I caught on quick.


Maggie Mae said...

OH look another way cute video! Fun fun!! Love his giggle!