Monday, August 17, 2009

My Trip to Spokane 09

Whew, I am glad to be done with that car ride, but I sure had a lot of fun in Spokane. I would rather do anything than ride in my carseat and boy do I let my parents know! Other than that I was a good baby and have a souvenier....2 new teeth! They popped through the day before my 5 month birthday. I was a little fussy for a while and you can definetely tell that I am teething. Maybe that is why I keep waking up at night?? Like always, my sister has many more pictures to share but I will catch up someday ;)

Anything in my mouth!
Playing with Papa at the River

Is this what Lily says is "Scruffy?"
Wrestling already but you better watch out Lily!
I am a rolling machine lately! Nothing holds me in place!
So Happy!
Hanging out with the Men!
My cousin Carlee...she'd be a good babysitter!


Jessica said...

He's such a cutie! On the move he sleeping more at night yet with some food in his belly?