Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I had such a fun Christmas and hope each of you did as well. We really lived up the Advent season in our house and I had fun celebrating Jesus' birthday on Christmas. Singing carols has been one of my favorite parts including my two favorites, Frosty the Snowman and Hark! the Herald Angels Sing. I wonder how long we will be singing them in our house?

Movie night was the Polar Express! I enjoyed it but popcorn was definitely the highlight!
The fabulous cookie party we were invited to. I talked about it for two weeks prior! This is Peter and I enjoying the taste of the cookies.
More sweets! I learned not to eat my masterpieces though. I worked so hard on these two gingerbread men for the house and didn't eat a bite! (I learned my lesson after the cookie party when I got very upset after biting my shapes and they no longer looked like trees and stockings.)
Putting out our milk and cookies for Santa!
Christmas morning. Santa brought me my own little recliner! It is just perfect, he must know me well?
I'm trying to show my sissy how to smile, it is Christmas after all?
Santa fit this train whistle in my stocking. Too bad I have a cold and asthma right now so I can't make it toot.
More stocking treasures!
My fun new car mat, vroom!
Thanks Auntie Becky and Uncle Doug! This is great!
Merry Christmas Everyone!