Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Week With the Fam...(more Pics)

Here are some more pictures of our week together....

We love our Sundays at Papa and Grandma's house, especially when Papa is home
Finally some nice weather
Playing out at Birch Bay with cousin Maggie...Grandma Bonnie barbequed for us too!
We celebrated Lily's birthday on Saturday since my Auntie Joanie had to leave on Sunday. We had a fun barbeque in the backyard. Maggie had fun in the water and had to take a break for a drink, silly girl!
Must have seen my secret...
Had to borrow dada's hat for this game...too sunny (is there such a thing?)
"Eating" our dinner
Taking a break with Auntie Julie and Maggie
Out at Grandma andPapa's again....Brewster always helps me out when I'm eating....I'm a little messy they say