Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big Boy

I turned 2 a few weeks back and it seems like I am just growing up too fast lately, says my mama. I'm talking up a storm, being a boy AND 2! I had a great week last week with my mom home all week for spring break. We had fun playing outside at every chance we got, I even was found in the backyard with my rain coat and boots I love the outdoors so much. I have been battling cold after cold and the last few have been worse on my asthma, however I can hold my mask by myself now and my favorite thing to do is watch "bears"...AKA Bernstein Bears.

Sunshine??? Definetely need these shades, it has been soo long! Jump Zone for a birthday party. I wanted so bad to be a big boy and follow my sister but this is as far as I got. Trampled and scared, I decided to stick with the small toddler section this time.
I did enjoy the cake party!
Our friends came over to dye Easter Eggs and I enjoyed playing with Therese much more, especially after the excitement of the eggs and water wore off. I love that baby! I even got to hold her today, although I'm pretty sure she weighs as much as me ;)
Waiting for the patient

Love the tongue? It helps with concentration and egg dying.