Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Checking In

It has been a while and I don't have too much to share, although I just wanted to check in with all my blogger friends. I have had another cold (surprise) so just finished up with another round of medications, but this time my parents started me off on a preventative breathing treatment right away and it helped throughout the duration of my cold. Even though I acted a little crazy at times, it was worth it to breathe and I got to watch my new favorite show, Bob!! Every time the TV turns on I say "Bob!!"
My mama calls me a little parrot as I copy a lot of words. My new thing is very good manners, which they enjoy. I say "Excuse me," "thank you," "be excused?," "here you go," and "please." Pointing out pumpkins and scarecrows are fun things for me to do as well. I think we may be able to go to the pumpkin farm soon!

For getting rid of her binkie, Lily got a special surprise trip to the mall to make a bear (which was unfair!) But I soon found out that the box was way more fun anyway!