Monday, April 19, 2010

I LOVE Tulips!!

We had such a fun spring weekend. First, we went to the tulip festival and I LOVED the flowers. My momma and dada got a kick out of the way I "smelled" the tulips and couldn't get enough of them. I touched them ever so gently but at the same time I sure wanted to take some home! On Sunday we went to the City Park in Lynden which is sure a lot of fun. We had a picnic then headed out to Grandma Katie's house for some more outdoor fun. It was so warm and I love not wearing my coat.

I just want down Momma!
Check out these! They are king crowns!
Mom, I'm too busy smelling these pretty pink ones to smile. They are just my size!
Sissy and I posing in front of my favorite ones!
It is kinda bright dada! Cheese!
More smelling! I wonder if these ones smell different than the pink ones??
I liked it up here!
Having fun at Grandma's house.