Friday, December 25, 2009

My First Christmas!

My first Christmas! Wow! All this preparation and so much excitement had me on the edge of my seat for weeks! I was so excited on Christmas Eve that I couldn't even take my afternoon nap, even after some nice fresh air. We went on a crisp walk down by the water. I sure can't wait until I can enjoy some nice hot chocolate with my sis. The lack of a nap caught up with me at Christmas Eve Mass, so I conked out on Dad's shoulder. He told me I should take advantage of being able to sleep in church now, because it won't always be cool.
I was the first one to wake up on Christmas morning and good thing too, I got a dump truck from Santa and Lily likes to play with it too. That time I had with it all to myself was awesome!

Being silly in my bed
I hope to be cool like Dad one day - ha
Hooooooly Night! (Not silent, that's for sure)
Attempt at a family photo using the camera timer
Sis, what did you spill on my shirt???
opening presents, I hope it's not clothes
It was jammies. See you in the morning Lil
This is that truck I was telling you about (actually two trucks)- sounds, blocks, I can ride it when I'm bigger. Santa is the man
Hey Dad, I need a sandbox now
You should try this nap thing, Lil. I feel like a million bucks
My new hat - like my balls?