Friday, November 13, 2009

8 Months!

Crazy! It is Friday, the 13th and I was born 8 months ago on Friday the 13th! Life is great and as my parents would say, I am growing up too fast! I am down to taking 2 naps on most days (from 3) and am a crawling machine! I just started trying to pull myself up and most of the time it is just to my knees, but I'm working on it. I don't care for baby food too much but I have four huge teeth as you can see, so I have been eating a little table food. I continue to be a happy little baby who brings great joy to my family!!

My sister got some special crayons that write on the windows and mirrors and I decided to see what they taste like. This is what my momma found....(don't worry they aren't toxic!)
My family went swimming last weekend! I LOVED it!
I splashed around with two other little boy babies and played and played! It was a blast!
Growing up too fast!
They lowered my bed on me!
My sister was "fishing in the puddle" so my mom decided to take a few pictures of me chillin' in the yard...yes, it was chilly too!